Dec 14, 2012

Comparison with other addictions

" 4 addictions in Korea"

Among one-eight of Korean is addicted in one of the "4 addictions"

What is the "4 Addiction"?

Alcohol addiction, Drug addiction, Gambling addiction, Internet addiction
All of these addictions are threatening our national competitiveness

-Alcohol addiction

Addict scale: 15500000000 addicts
social cost(which means loss from this addiction): 23400000000000 won

-Drug addiction

Addict scale: 10000000 addicts
social cost: 2500000000000 won

-Gambling addiction

Addict scale: 2200000000 addicts
social cost: 78200000000000 won

Internet addiction 

Addict scale: 23300000000 addicts
social cost: 54000000000000 won

Comparing with them, Internet addiction's addict scale is the most high among them.
And Internet addiction's addict range is the most various among them.
 It comprises from 3 ages old to old ages. 


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